
Mac control key
Mac control key

mac control key

The annealing of ZnO:Al/p-Si heterojunction (at 700 ☌ in vacuum) has supported to obtain a suitable metal contact with optimum low resistance by using the cold gas dynamic spraying technique.

mac control key

The key parameters of the practical ohmic contact deposition on the film surface (describing the functional behavior of the ZnO:Al/p-Si heterojunction) were examined to develop low ohmic contact resistance (derived by using Cu layer) for use in optoelectronic devices. The mechanical damage deriving by the Cu particles with high kinetic energy has indicated the practical coating parameters (presenting surface related aspects) for its fabrication steps to use in the diot applications. Cu micrometalic particles with the supersonic velocity (3 Mac) were applied to determine the optimum microparticle bombardment effect on the ZnO:Al thin-film surface derived by sol–gel method (which allows mixing at the atomic level to form colloidal particles).

Mac control key